Semiconductors Central in Samsung’s Multi-billion Dollar Expansion

Samsung Group is planning to spend $38.5 billion on expansion in 2011.
Semiconductors Central in Samsung’s Multi-billion Dollar Expansion
A Samsung logo is shown on the door of the company's main office in Seoul on July 7, 2010. (Park Ji-Hwan/Getty Images)
<a><img src="" alt="A Samsung logo is shown on the door of the company's main office in Seoul on July 7, 2010.   (Park Ji-Hwan/Getty Images)" title="A Samsung logo is shown on the door of the company's main office in Seoul on July 7, 2010.   (Park Ji-Hwan/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1810046"/></a>
A Samsung logo is shown on the door of the company's main office in Seoul on July 7, 2010.   (Park Ji-Hwan/Getty Images)
Samsung Group revealed on Wednesday that it is planning to spend 43.1 trillion won (US$38.5 billion) on expansion in 2011.

Around two thirds of the investment will be funneled into plants to produce semiconductors, liquid crystal displays, and other electronics, and 25,000 new workers will be hired this year, according to AFP.

Chang Suk-In, a senior researcher at the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade, said Samsung has a record of well-time, preemptive investments, such as semiconductors.

“It’s a perfect time to make preemptive investments and take a lead in new industries when companies in advanced nations are still reeling from the economic downturn and don’t have the luxury of making large new investments,” Chang said.

The world’s second largest manufacturer of mobile phones after Nokia recorded a third-quarter net profit in December. Global demand for memory chips and popular Smartphones have contributed significantly to this growth.

Samsung is going head to head with Smartphone and tablet technology market leaders; Apple, with their Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab.

As Silicon Republic reports, after selling close to 1.5 million Galaxy Tab tablet computers in the first three months of release, Samsung has revealed it will bring out a Wi-Fi-only version of the device, as well as a Galaxy Player media device.