South Carolina Woman Physically Abused Her 71-Year-Old Mom and Stole Money

South Carolina Woman Physically Abused Her 71-Year-Old Mom and Stole Money
Source Charleston County Sheriff’s Office
NTD Television

A woman from South Carolina has been arrested and is facing charges for abusing her 71-year-old mom, detectives said. 

The 52-year-old woman, identified as Kelly A. Adams, was arrested Tuesday on Aug. 1. She is being held in jail at the Al Cannon Detention Center and is charged with the exploitation of a vulnerable adult, ABC News 4 reports. 

Back on July 19, a concerned citizen contacted the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office to issue a complaint, leading officers to visit Adams’s mothers home. 

The concerned man who first contacted the authorities told them the aged mother had not been given food or her medication for days when he came in to check on her and that he also found feces on her bed, according to WDSU

Charleston County Sheriff’s Office said the elderly victim told them her daughter started to become physically abusive to her during the July 4 weekend. 

In one incident the victim said her daughter pushed her to the ground and threw a pot of boiling water on her stomach, before dousing her all over in bleach. 

After deputies investigated, they found large scabbed-over wounds on the victim’s stomach, seemingly matching her account. A doctor later said the injuries had some type of chemical burns, likely from a product like bleach. 

In other incidents, the victim said her daughter threw knives at her and threatened to cut her throat. 

To top it off, Adams also locked away her mother’s prescription medications, that were essential for her well-being, and had been stealing her money as well. 

Adams stole up to $1,600 using her mother’s ATM cards and then later forced her to write checks that totalled $200. 

According to the victim, her daughter stole her money to keep up her drug habit. She is currently still in jail waiting for a bond hearing. 
