San Diego Residents to Get Some Relief After Natural Gas Price Hike

San Diego Residents to Get Some Relief After Natural Gas Price Hike
Blue flames rise from the burner of a natural gas stove in Orange, Calif., June 11, 2003. David McNew/Getty Images

Residential customers of the San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) will receive up to $104 in credits on their bills for February and March this year, after a natural gas price surge that sent shockwaves throughout southern California in January.

Gas customers will receive a $43.40 credit in February. For electricity customers, a $60.70 credit will appear on their March bill, and another round of credit of the same amount will be provided later in the year.

The credits will be applied automatically, without any action required by customers.

According to a statement from the company, the credits are provided as payments to the California Climate Credit, “a state program that requires power plants, natural gas providers, and other large industries that emit greenhouse gases to buy carbon pollution permits.”

The SDG&E has several programs to assist people who are struggling to pay their bills, including discounts, debt relief, and no-cost energy efficiency upgrades for those who qualify. Visit for more information.