Rumors Fly About Massive State Layoffs

The governor’s presentation of his budget for fiscal year 2011 on Feb. 1, may reveal the true extent of cuts to manpower.
Rumors Fly About Massive State Layoffs
Tara MacIsaac
NEW YORK—Sources told NY1 News that Gov. Andrew Cuomo may layoff 10,000 state employees to help get the state’s troubled finances in order. A lawmaker told Buffalo News the governor is planning to layoff 12,000. The New York Times reports a pending layoff of 15,000.

However many it is, Cuomo has the fate of around 200,000 state workers under his control. Cuomo’s administration did not respond as of press deadline to clarify the murky future of state employees.

The governor’s presentation of his budget for fiscal year 2011 on Feb. 1, may reveal the true extent of cuts to manpower.

Cuomo has traveled the state reiterating his State of the State address since he first delivered it on Jan. 5 in Albany.

“I am visiting communities like Poughkeepsie because every New Yorker needs to fully understand the crisis this state is facing and the comprehensive solutions I have put forward,” said Gov. Cuomo in a statement released after a visit to Poughkeepsie on Thursday.

Cuomo’s Emergency Fiscal Plan calls for a one-year salary freeze for many public employees, as well as a state spending cap to keep spending growth below the rate of inflation. The governor has declared he will not raise taxes or borrow, though he faces a $10 billion deficit. Time will tell how heavily this burden will weigh on public servants.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has also not made it clear how many city employees he intends to layoff, though imminent layoffs are a certainty. He noted, “Eighty percent of the city’s budget goes to salaries and benefits.”