Rugby Union: Newedge Strengthens Top Position in HKRFU Premiership League

Newedge were down 9 points to 12 at half time to visitors Abacus Kowloon.
Rugby Union: Newedge Strengthens Top Position in HKRFU Premiership League
Mid-way through the second half of their HKRFU Premiership Round 3 match, Abacus Kowloon won possession from this scrum close to their try line and ran the ball, but they were soon defending their line again, as Hong Kong Football Newedge Club forced a try one minute later to make the score 23:19 and took the lead in the match. Newedge won 42:19 at HKFC ground on Saturday Oct 13. Credit: Bill Cox/The Epoch Times
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HKRFU Premiership Round 3 match