Romney Wins Illinois, Gains Boost for Louisiana

Based on exit polls and projections, Romney was declared the winner in the first hour after polls closed, and with only 12 percent of the vote counted. With 71 percent of the vote counted, Romney was leading Rick Santorum by more than 10 points.
Romney Wins Illinois, Gains Boost for Louisiana
Republican presidential candidate, former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann Romney celebrate their victory in the Illinois GOP primary at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel, March 20 in Schaumburg, Ill. Exit polls showed Romney leading his closest rival, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.), and will keep his lead in the delegate count. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1790265" src="" alt="Republican presidential candidate, former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney" width="590" height="393"/></a>
Republican presidential candidate, former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney

Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney has won Illinois, giving him a boost as he heads toward the southern Louisiana primary March 24.

Based on exit polls and projections, Romney was declared the winner in the first hour after polls closed, and with only 12 percent of the vote counted. With 71 percent of the vote counted, Romney was leading Rick Santorum by more than 10 points.

A strong win will give Romney the lion’s share of the bound 54 delegates up for grabs in the Illinois primary, but winning a large share of the popular vote will also strengthen his argument that he is the best candidate to be the Republican presidential nominee.

Romney led strongly in the suburban ‘collar counties’ around Chicago and in urban areas, where exit polls indicated more than 70 percent of the voters resided.

According to the polls, Romney also won 75 percent of those voters who said electability was a key issue.

Rick Santorum, who has won contests in neighboring Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri, chose to reach out to the more conservative voters in the rural areas of the state.

According to exit polls, the former Pennsylvania senator led among evangelical, strongly conservative voters, and those with incomes under $50,000.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich polled badly in Illinois, gaining 9 percent of the vote with over 70 percent counted. Gingrich was marginally above Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who gained 8 percent of the vote.

The test will now be how well Romney can go into Louisiana after coming in third in nearby southern states, Mississippi and Alabama; and for Gingrich, whether he can muster enough support in the south to keep his flagging campaign alive.

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