Romney Scraps Campaign Stops Over Hurricane

Mitt Romney, the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, called off his campaign schedule for Monday and Tuesday, citing Hurricane Sandy, and he asked his supporters to donate to relief agencies and to aid in other ways.
Romney Scraps Campaign Stops Over Hurricane
Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaign rally at Avon Lake High School on October 29, 2012 in Avon Lake, Ohio. Romney called off any further eastern campaigning for Monday and Tuesday amid Hurricane Sandy. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
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Mitt Romney, the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, called off his campaign schedule for Monday and Tuesday, citing Hurricane Sandy, and he asked his supporters to donate to relief agencies and to aid in other ways.

“On the Eastern Coast of our nation a lot of people are enduring some very difficult times. And our hearts and our prayers go to them as we think about how tough it’s going to be there,” Romney said in Ohio, according the ABC News.

Romney added, “It’s interesting to see how Americans come together and this, this looks like another time when we need to come together all across the country, even here in Ohio, and make sure that we give our support to the people who need it.”

The former Massachusetts governor called on Americans to donate to the Red Cross and provide aid to people affected during the hurricane.

Romney also said, “I know the people of the Atlantic Coast are counting on Ohio and the rest of our states,” according to the Washington Post. “But also I think the people of the entire nation are counting on Ohio because my guess is that if Ohio votes me in as president I'll be the next president of the United States.”

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