Road Trip Pushes Immigration Reform

12 New Yorkers are going on a five-day road trip across New York State in hopes of changing immigration laws.
Road Trip Pushes Immigration Reform
In response to what some call a long overdue reform of immigration laws, 12 New Yorkers are going on a five-day road trip across New York State in hopes of change. The 12 will visit 10 cities where they will hold rallies with other local groups.

“With the administration inexplicably ramping up enforcement of a system that they acknowledge is broken, and Congress faltering on so many issues of critical importance, we can’t afford to get mired in Washington gridlock,” said Ms. Chung-Wha Hong, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition in a release.

President Obama has said he plans to address immigration reform later this year.

According to the group, between 2003 and 2008, deportations increased by 50 percent and have increased another 18 percent as of this year.