Rep. Boebert Refutes Allegations She Provided ‘Reconnaissance’ at Capitol Building

Rep. Boebert Refutes Allegations She Provided ‘Reconnaissance’ at Capitol Building
Lauren Boebert, the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives seat in Colorado's 3rd Congressional District, addresses supporters during a campaign rally in Colona, Colo. on Oct. 10, 2020. Jason Connolly/AFP via Getty Images

Newly-elected Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) on Monday refuted accusations that she provided “reconnaissance” to rioters around the Capitol prior to Jan. 6.

“I brought my family to the Capitol on January 2nd for a tour and on the 3rd for pictures to commemorate the day I was sworn in as a Member of the U.S. Congress. Again, the only people I have ever had in the Capitol with me during the 117th Congress are my young children, husband, mom, aunt, and uncle,” she said in an open letter (pdf) addressed to Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.).

According to Boebert’s letter, Cohen made the allegation to a CNN host on Monday.

The CNN host said: “I want to ask you about something specific because several of your colleagues have alleged that the rioters may have received inside help, including raising the prospects of tours, conducted or with the ok, of fellow sitting Members of Congress. This is quite a charge to make. Have you seen any hard evidence to substantiate that allegation?”

Cohen responded that he and Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) “saw Boebert taking a group of people for a tour sometime after the 3rd and before the 6th. I don’t remember the day, we were walking in a tunnel and we saw her and commented who she was and she had a large group with her. Now whether these people were people that were involved in the insurrection or not, I do not know.”

“She was a freshman. She might have had a large number of people coming to be with her on this historic occasion and just wanting to give them the opportunity to have a tour,” Cohen added, according to Washington Times.

Boebert reiterated her condemnation of the violence on Jan. 6, and her support for rule of law.

“I’d like to repeat myself in condemning the attacks on the U.S. Capitol. The violence that took place on January 6th was indefensible and these criminals should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I do not support unlawful acts of violence and support the rule of law.”

Boebert went on to refute Cohen’s allegation.

“It’s unfortunate that you have connected my family being in D.C. for my swearing in with the Capitol riots, so I’d like to directly address what you claim you saw,” Boebert said.

“We are praying and asking for peace and civility during this coming week and as the country looks to heal from the events of January 6th,” Boebert added.

The Washington Examiner reported that U.S. Capitol Police are investigating whether there were any unauthorized tours that congress members led before the Capitol breach.

Boebert’s press director resigned after the Jan. 6 incident at the Capitol building. Boebert was also put under pressure for her rejection of the certification of the electoral votes.