Renowned Chinese Human Rights Attorney Could Be Tried By End of the Year

Renowned Chinese Human Rights Attorney Could Be Tried By End of the Year
Renowned Chinese human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng. The Epoch Times

According to Hong Kong-based Information Center for Human Rights & Democracy, Beijing No.1 Intermediate People’s Court has approved the case against renowned human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng with the charge of “inciting subversion of state power.” A secret trial could be held by end of the year.

According to Voice of America (VOA), Mo Shaoping, Gao’s defense attorney entrusted by his family, said that the communist authorities have already instituted legal proceedings against Gao.

Mo told VOA, “We have verified the news from First Branch of Beijing Municipal People’s Procurator. The prosecutor in charge told us that Gao’s case has been brought to Beijing No.1 Intermediate Court on December 1.”

Mo said, “The prosecutor in charge of Gao’s case verbally told us that Gao refused any attorney to defend him, but we have not received any written document with Gao’s signature. Thus, we think it’s not appropriate for the Court to accept the case.” Gao’s family is also suspicious of the prosecutor’s words and the procuratorate could not provide a written document to his family either.

Mo emphasized that Gao’s case is a high concern amongst international and domestic communities, so he hoped that China’s judicial organizations will conduct the trial according to proper procedures. Whatever the outcome is, most importantly, the trial should proceed according to formal and legal procedure.

According to Central News Agency, Information Center for Human Rights & Democracy confirmed with Beijing’s No.1 Intermediate People’s Court that the file on Gao’s case has been placed on December 4. Normally after a file has been placed, it could be brought to trial at any time, so it is possible that Gao could be tried by the end of the year.

Attorney Gao was awarded “Human Rights Defender” by Asia Pacific Human Rights Foundation on December 6, 2006, and the “Special Human Rights Hero Award” by Chinese Liberal Culture Movement on December 9, 2006.