Reggie Miller Says Michael Jordan is 10 Times Better Than Kobe Bryant


After Kobe surpassed Michael’s 3rd all-time scoring mark Sunday, the Kobe/Michael debate has regained steam.

So who’s better, Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan?

To be completely honest, having not played against either of these guys, no matter how much basketball we watch, the majority of us are just speculating.

Meanwhile, Reggie Miller, who came into the Dan Patrick show today, is a guy who has played both in their prime.

His verdict?

“Michael Jordan on his best day is 10 times better than Kobe Bryant on his worst day.” (Skip ahead to the 5:20 mark in the video clip above)


At first this seems like a really dumb statement — Reggie is prone to saying dumb-ish things even when he’s commentating, having made a name for himself as one of the NBA’s most notorious trash talkers.

But if you take his statement into full context, it’s clear he was reaching. In other words, his statement was just a figure of speech, as throughout the rest of interview, he is actually very respectful and complimentary of Kobe’s achievements.

So here’s what he is saying translated to literal speech:

“Michael Jordan is better than Kobe Bryant, and not just a little bit better — vastly better.”

So I’m wondering where Lebron fits in Reggie’s x10 spectrum?(Or would it be something like x12 for Lebron?)