Rare Yellow Lobster Caught in Rhode Island

The lobster was colored in such a way due to a gene from both parents, a rare event that happens one in 30 million lobsters.
Rare Yellow Lobster Caught in Rhode Island

Yellow Lobster: 1 in 30 Million

A rare yellow lobster was discovered in Narragansett Bay’s East Passage of Rhode Island.

Local lobsterman, Denny Ingram, was pleasantly surprised when he discovered the yellow crustacean in one of his lobster pots.

“I thought, holy cow, this is unusual,“ Ingram told the Providence Journal.”And no one else around here has ever seen anything like it either.”

He also said that the lobster was a male and weighed one and a half pounds.

The lobster was colored in such a way due to a gene from both parents, which is a rare event that happens to about one in 30 million lobsters.

Although unusual, this is not the first time a yellow lobster was discovered. One was found in Maine in 2006.

Lobsters’ shells are pigmented with red, yellow and blue. One color, such as yellow, can be more dominant in rare situations due to genetic variations.

Blue lobsters also exist and are less rare than yellow ones, although only one may be found in about four million. Estimates vary about just how rare blue or yellow lobsters are.

Ingram said the lobster will be displayed at the fishermen’s co-op at the State Pier in Newport.

No one plans to eat the lemon colored creature.