Quebec Expected to Introduce Revamp of French Language Legislation Today

Quebec Expected to Introduce Revamp of French Language Legislation Today
Quebec Premier Francois Legault, centre, speaks during a news conference on the COVID-19 pandemic, on May 11, 2021, at the legislature in Quebec City. (Jacques Boissinot/The Canadian Press)
The Canadian Press

QUEBEC—The Quebec government is expected today to present its long-awaited revamp of its signature piece of language legislation, known as Bill 101.

Premier François Legault and the minister responsible for the French language, Simon Jolin-Barrette, have promised the updated legislation will further reinforce the use of French in Quebec.

The law, also known as the Charter of the French language, was adopted in 1977 by the government of René Lévesque.

Legault’s reform is expected to be wide-ranging and will likely touch on subjects including sign laws, education, workplace use of French and expanded access to French-language classes.

The premier suggested last month he may invoke the notwithstanding clause, which shields legislation from court challenges over violations of fundamental rights.

He has also promised to launch consultations this fall on the place of the French language in Quebec.