Puppies’ Snouts Shut with Rubber Bands, Owner Gets Misdemeanor Charges

Mimi Nguyen Ly

A dog owner faces misdemeanor charges after two puppies were rescued on Sept. 12, with rubber bands tightly wrapped around their snouts.

The two puppies, renamed Wesley and Violet, were found by a maintenance worker who had come to inspect a flooded apartment in Wichita, Kansas.

The worker saw the puppies trapped in a kennel in a corner of the apartment, “huddled in ankle-deep feces and urine, completely quiet,” the Wichita Animal Action League (WAAL) said.

“The smell overwhelmed him.”

Animals are not allowed in the apartment.

“Their mouths were wrapped shut with rubber bands, to keep them quiet so the landlord wouldn’t find out,” WAAL wrote on Facebook.

“This Good Samaritan alerted a foster who alerted us. We called Animal Control who sped to the scene and met us. The sight and smell were atrocious.”

The rubber bands appeared to have been removed within 24 hours of their rescue, according to the doctor who oversaw the removal of the rubber bands.

“If you can’t take care of your puppies just don’t get them,” a staff said in a Sept. 13 video posted by WAAL. “You don’t have to rubber-band their mouths shut.”

Misdemeanor Charges

The original owner of the puppies faces misdemeanor charges for animal cruelty, Kake.com reported on Sept. 26. A warrant has been issued for her arrest.

Wichita Police Animal Services Commander Lt. Brian Sigman explained why the case did not rise to felony charges.

“Because it is not going to be a debilitating injury or an injury that’s going to be around the rest of their life, that you’re going to be able to see. You can’t charge it as felony. That’s the reason we had to go misdemeanor,” he said, Kake.com reported.

Awaiting Adoption

Since the ordeal, the puppies have been transported to a foster home and are awaiting adoption.

“They’re already doing great. The scarring is already going away. It just makes us so happy they’re already healing and they’re ready to move on to their next life,” said Stephanie McCurdy, Wichita Animal Action League, Kake.com reported.

Two days following the rescue, WAAL released a video of the puppies playing together.

“If you’ve applied to adopt them, we HAVE received it! Please keep in mind they are technically evidence and they can’t go anywhere for quite a while.

“We’re getting through the apps as quickly as possible and we’ll be in touch,” WAAL wrote.

From NTD.tv