Pool Servicing: Why Regular Servicing is Important to Your Pool

Pool Servicing: Why Regular Servicing is Important to Your Pool
Adam Simpson

When you own a swimming pool, it can be very tempting to presume that you can maintain it entirely by yourself without any external help. However, the truth of the matter is that without the proper knowledge and professional equipment, swimming pools can very swiftly fall into a state of deterioration and disrepair.

However, the good news is that professional swimming pool maintenance isn’t necessarily too expensive. In fact, when weighed against the cost of extensive repair due to poor maintenance, your valuable time on the weekends, and the cost of buying, storing, and transporting hazardous chemicals often times in leased vehicles around your family and pets, pool service works out to be highly cost effective indeed.

Reasons to service: Why regular swimming pool servicing makes sense

Balanced water = stress free swimming. One of the most common problems that arise from DIY pool maintenance is poorly balanced water. If the pool water is either too hard or too soft, this can cause staining and scaling or etching and pitting, not to mention damage to your pool equipment. Without proper balance pool water can be hard to shock, and you might find yourself having to use too many sanitizing chemicals in your water making swimming less enjoyable.

An experienced swimming pool maintenance service provider will check the alkaline levels and hardness of the water to ensure that your equipment and swimming pool surface is well protected, and make sure the sanitizer levels are correct for care free safe swimming.

Well maintained equipment = fewer problems in the future. When taking on the role of maintenance servicer yourself, it can be very easy to overlook vital equipment in the pool, especially the filter and surfaces of your pool. Regular cleaning of the filter and surfaces is a vital aspect of keeping your pool in optimum condition, and without professional cleaning services, you run a significant risk of your equipment failing, or dirt and debris accumulating in the water.

Your pool maintenance expert will clean your filter and pool thoroughly, taking the time to brush and vacuum both the walls and floor, to ensure that it remains a pleasant place in which to swim.

Incorrect chemical application can result in health problems. It’s really important to apply chemicals to your pool, in order to keep it swim safe and algae and bacteria free. However, get the balance of chemicals wrong, and you could find yourself experiencing a number of problems. At the very least, you and your family may experience sore stinging eyes, and at worst, you may cause yourself serious health problems.

By hiring a professional pool maintenance provider, you don’t need to have this worry. They'll regularly apply the necessary chemicals to exactly the right levels, to ensure that you and your family are well protected.

A professional pool maintenance service will not only make sure that your pool is appropriately cared for on a regular basis, but will also keep a watchful eye on the equipment, identifying any possible future problems that you may have and recommending preventative maintenance when required. This is really helpful, as it could mean the difference between having to simply fix a part of your equipment or of having to pay a significant amount to have it completely replaced!