Global Q&A ‘What do you expect from your political leaders in the coming year?’

Sincerity and honesty and being a good leader with character are important considerations for political leaders to live up to.
Global Q&A ‘What do you expect from your political leaders in the coming year?’
Julio Gonzalez Caubin, Canary Islands, Spain.

Sincerity and honesty, being a good leader with character, and looking after the working class are important considerations for political leaders to live up to. This is what Epoch Times reporters from Bangalore to Warsaw discovered when they asked locals, “What do you expect from your political leaders in the coming year?”

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Julio Gonzalez Caubin, Canary Islands, Spain." title="Julio Gonzalez Caubin, Canary Islands, Spain." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97268"/></a>
Julio Gonzalez Caubin, Canary Islands, Spain.
Canary Islands, Spain
Julio Gonzalez Caubin, 40, Veterinarian

What I expect; well, better said, what I would like to see in the political leaders of my country, and why not in political leaders all over the world, is sincerity and honesty. Politicians are distrusted nowadays because of the widespread corruption and absence of ethics, so I think that first and foremost, citizens should demand that our politicians consider these qualities seriously, and to believe in them again as it used to be in old times, as an essential first step toward truth and honesty above everything else.


<a href=""><img src="" alt="Amanda Threatt, Beachwood, OH, U.S.A." title="Amanda Threatt, Beachwood, OH, U.S.A." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97269"/></a>
Amanda Threatt, Beachwood, OH, U.S.A.
Beachwood, OH, U.S.A.
Amanda Threatt, 41, Case Administrator of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court

To create more jobs, try to resolve the health care issue, keep us out of wars, and get us out of Afghanistan where we don’t belong.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Dariusz Bordowski, Warsaw, Poland." title="Dariusz Bordowski, Warsaw, Poland." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97270"/></a>
Dariusz Bordowski, Warsaw, Poland.
Warsaw, Poland
Dariusz Bordowski, 47, Automatician

First of all, I expect from my political leaders improvement in the economy. I expect good leadership with a character like the leaders before World War II, such as, Gabriel Narutowicz, Bierut, etc.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Neil Tan, 33, Vancouver, B.C., Canada." title="Neil Tan, 33, Vancouver, B.C., Canada." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97271"/></a>
Neil Tan, 33, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Neil Tan, 33, Student, Vancouver Film School

Honestly, not much, I don’t really follow politics in Canada. I’m not sure what they’re doing. Maybe they could focus a bit more on environmental concerns.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Chene Scott, Nerang, Australia." title="Chene Scott, Nerang, Australia." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97272"/></a>
Chene Scott, Nerang, Australia.
Nerang, Australia
Chene Scott, 40, Resort Manager

I would really like the politicians to change the legislation on animal cruelty. I think it’s really bad, what happens; they go to court and they get a slap on the wrist for some atrocious things that are done to animals. I’m big on that, and also the climate change with the animals; that needs addressing for sure. Well, it’s going to have a big affect on lots of things. Like even the cane toad problem at the moment; it’s killing all the wild life, because none of them are immune to the venom. I’m big on the animals; the koala population and domestic pets, animal cruelty. There are 200,000 euthanized each year, dogs and things. They need to do something about all this.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="S. Priyanka, Bangalore, India." title="S. Priyanka, Bangalore, India." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97273"/></a>
S. Priyanka, Bangalore, India.
Bangalore, India
S. Priyanka, 20, Student

Political leaders should not make empty speeches and should try to keep their promises. As India is a welfare state, they should work for the welfare of our country and society.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Oldoich Lerch, 52, Brno, Czech Republic." title="Oldoich Lerch, 52, Brno, Czech Republic." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97274"/></a>
Oldoich Lerch, 52, Brno, Czech Republic.
Brno, Czech Republic
Oldøich Lerch, 52, Metallurgical Industry

I have no idea. I haven’t observed the political scene for a long time, because I lost interest. But what I see in my surrounding is that they should improve social security. Young people don’t have good conditions to obtain a flat. Flats are quite expensive and people have to borrow big loans. And in case you don’t have a profitable job, you can have a big problem with that.




<a href=""><img src="" alt="Franco Ronconi, Florence, Italy." title="Franco Ronconi, Florence, Italy." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97275"/></a>
Franco Ronconi, Florence, Italy.
Florence, Italy
Franco Ronconi, Pensioner

I expect they [our politicians] will have to do better and more for the working class people. They will have to create and provide work to people who do not have a job. I expect them to be very honest with the working class, because they are the future of Italy and a prosperous country. If one country is good, is good for the working class, then it is good for the young people too, and the children of the working class. This will generate a prosperous future.



<a href=""><img src="" alt="Ruv de Souza da Rocha Correa, with three year-old-daughter Natalia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil." title="Ruv de Souza da Rocha Correa, with three year-old-daughter Natalia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97276"/></a>
Ruv de Souza da Rocha Correa, with three year-old-daughter Natalia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ruv de Souza da Rocha Correa, 32, Commercial Employee

I wish very much that Brazil could be the champion of the World Cup next year. Besides that, I wish my political leaders could accomplish at least 50 percent of what they have promised. If it happens, I will be the happiest guy in this world, because it will benefit everybody around me.




<a href=""><img src="" alt="Hasbi Sezali, Singapore." title="Hasbi Sezali, Singapore." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97277"/></a>
Hasbi Sezali, Singapore.
Hasbi Sezali, 20, National Serviceman

To be paying full attention on the newly opened IR/casino, regarding the various social problems that might arise. Revise the various policies that have been made to prevent them and ensure that it works.






<a href=""><img src="" alt="Zafar Iqbal, Islamabad, Pakistan." title="Zafar Iqbal, Islamabad, Pakistan." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-97278"/></a>
Zafar Iqbal, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Islamabad, Pakistan
Zafar Iqbal, 57, Media Consultant

I expect that there will be social and legal justice (basic rights for all and integrity in the judicial system).





Look for the Global Q&A column every week. Epoch Times correspondents interview people around the world to learn about their lives and perspectives on local and global realities. Next week’s global question: “Do you have a favorite local market? Describe what you like about it.”