Playstation 4 Scare: Blinking Blue Light of Death

Normally when a Playstation 4 turns on, the light will go from blue to white. What does it mean if your PS4 produces a blinking blue light and black screen?
Playstation 4 Scare: Blinking Blue Light of Death
Sony Playstation 4 PRNewsFoto/Sony Network Entertainment International

Normally when a Playstation 4 is turned on, the light along the PS4 casing should transition from blue to white. But for some PS4 owners, they’re only seeing a blinking blue light and a black screen. What is the issue, what can you do about it, and just how serious is it?

The “blinking blue light of death,” as phrased by the PS4 community, is identified by symptoms such as a blinking blue light, no video and audio output to the TV, and then the PS4 console powering down after the blinking blue light.

The video below captures this issue.


This problem could be due to issues with your power supply, hard drive, or lack of compatibility with your TV hardware. The PS4 support page has recommendations for troubleshooting, and these instructions can be found here

The PS4 sold 1 million units on its first day on November 15. Although customers are bringing up problems such as the “blue light of death” and “red line of death,” these cases represent less than 1 percent of PS4 systems, according to Sony’s statement sent to IGN Entertainment. Still future buyers may be hesitant having been haunted by memories of the infamous “red ring of death” plaguing Xbox360 systems back in 2005.

So if you’re one of those unlucky individuals who’s been having issues with your new $400 system, visit the support page or contact Sony support directly at 1-800-345-SONY. According to Gameinformer, Sony promises to exchange affected systems for those who call their support line.