Photo Gallery: Champs-Elysees Turned Into Giant Farm

The French have used their great imagination and creativity to turn the world-famous Champs-Elysees into a vast farm, which two million people visited.
Photo Gallery: Champs-Elysees Turned Into Giant Farm
The French have used their great imagination and creativity to turn the world-famous Champs-Elysees into a vast farm overnight from late May 22. The massive installation piece was created by Gad Weil and entitled “Nature Capitale.” The event, organized by the French Young Farmers (Jeunes Agriculteurs) union that represents over 50,000 farmers under the age of 35, was created to draw attention to what the farmers say is a crisis devastating French agriculture. [CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE]

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“Over the course of two days we witnessed a historical event during which Agriculture was written in capital letters on the Champs-Elysees,” said William Villeneuve, union president, in a statement.

Over two million people visited the transformed Champs-Elysees on May 23 and 24, according to the organization. The farmers decorated the historic avenue with 150 varieties of flowers, herbs and crops, and brought along cows, sheep, pigs, and horses. This can really be only captured in images, however. Enjoy the photo gallery!