Photo Gallery: Andrews Airshow 2010 Features Navy’s Blue Angels Squadron

The Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility had its air show May 14 - May 17, attracting aviation enthusiasts.
Photo Gallery: Andrews Airshow 2010 Features Navy’s Blue Angels Squadron
The Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility (formerly Andrews Air Force Base) had its open house and air show May 14 - May 17, attracting aviation enthusiasts from all over the country.

The Andrews Airshow started at 8am on Friday with the US Army’s Golden Knights skydiving team kicking off the event. A long list of popular fighter planes, bombers, prop planes, and helicopters dazzled the audience with their aerial students all weekend. The US Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels, were on hand to wow the crowds.

Fighter planes such as the F-22 Demo and the AV-8B Demo were flown throughout the weekend as well. Admission was free for those who made it. Enjoy The Epoch Times original photos of the event!

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