Pettitte Ready For Return to Yankees

Longtime Yankee starter Andy Pettitte says he ready to join the team after pitching an extended spring training game.
Pettitte Ready For Return to Yankees
Andy Pettitte last pitched in 2010 when he went 11-3 with a 3.28 ERA. Al Messerschmidt/Getty Images
Dave Martin
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1788134" title="Pettitte142412191WEB" src="" alt="Andy Pettitte last pitched in 2010 when he went 11-3 with a 3.28 ERA. (Al Messerschmidt/Getty Images)" width="350" height="305"/></a>
Andy Pettitte last pitched in 2010 when he went 11-3 with a 3.28 ERA. (Al Messerschmidt/Getty Images)

Longtime Yankee starter Andy Pettitte says he ready to join the team after pitching an extended spring training game, according to a report on the Yankees website.

“I feel I’m strong enough and ready to make my next start with [the Yankees],” said Pettitte. “I feel good and it was another solid day. I felt the quality of pitches were as good as I’ve had in any of my starts up to now, and I was able to hold my velocity throughout [the outing]. I feel like I’m ready to help the team.”

Where Pettitte will pitch next is unclear. The Yankees, after sending Freddy Garcia to the bullpen and watching Phil Hughes’ ERA hover just under 8.00, have a clear need for a quality starter and Pettitte could be the one. The soon-to-be 40-year-old racked up 240 wins in a 16-year career.

Dave Martin
Dave Martin
Dave Martin is a New-York based writer as well as editor. He is the sports editor for the Epoch Times and is a consultant to private writers.
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