Petitioners Arrested After China’s Human Rights Action Plan Announcement

The Chinese communist regime arrested several hundred Chinese citizens gathered in front of China’s...
Petitioners Arrested After China’s Human Rights Action Plan Announcement
Hundreds of petitioners from all over the country gathered in front of the China's State Council Information Office around 9:30 am on January 14. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Hundreds of petitioners from all over the country gathered in front of the China's State Council Information Office around 9:30 am on January 14.  (The Epoch Times)" title="Hundreds of petitioners from all over the country gathered in front of the China's State Council Information Office around 9:30 am on January 14.  (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1831322"/></a>
Hundreds of petitioners from all over the country gathered in front of the China's State Council Information Office around 9:30 am on January 14.  (The Epoch Times)

BEIJINGThe Chinese communist regime arrested several hundred Chinese citizens gathered in front of China’s State Council Information Office to submit various human rights petitions to the authorities on January 14.

Authorities sent the detained petitioners to Majialou, a notorious detention center in Beijing. This action comes on the heels of the regime’s announcement of drawing up “National Human Rights Action Plans” less than 2 months ago.

On November 4, 2008 China’s Communist regime announced their intention to have the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs head the effort to draw up the plans which are supposed to, according to state media, “involve practical measures aimed to advance human rights and promote social harmony.”

Members of China’s various ethnic and religious groups hope to participate in this plan in accordance with international custom. They sent out nearly a thousand human rights surveys and received active responses.

On December 10, World International Human Rights Day, the representatives of China’s vulnerable groups submitted a petition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to officially apply for the right to participate in the Action Plan. 3 out of 5 of the representatives were detained by the state as a result (full story can be found here).

Zhao Guoli, a Shenzhen resident who is one of the arrested petitioners, told reporters that some of them were on their knees begging and crying in their attempts to get justice from the regime. According to Zhao, approximately an hour later roughly 100 police officers arrived on scene and immediately cordoned off the area while all the nearby streets were blockaded by police cars and police busses. The petitioners were dispersed by noon.

Another petitioner, Cao Shunli was warned by the police not to go to the Information Office in the morning. She was taken away by the police at around 10:40 am.

Read the original article in Chinese