People Going About Their Day and Meeting With Complete Surprise

Epoch Video

Having a good laugh is what makes us human. Bloggers and TV personalities have made a living by discovering other people’s real life bloopers.

Sometimes we’re left wondering how the people in these clips get themselves into such funny and silly situations. The guy at the car wash in this clip for some strange reason thought it’d be a great and extremely wise idea to walk through a rotating and fully operational car wash brush to cut a long walk short, that would save him only a few seconds of his time.

While he attempts to duck and dive the tenacious attacks of the brushes, he is eventually overcome, and spun like a washing machine as his co-workers sit in the office and laugh a few times before helping the poor man out.

In situations where poor decisions are made, the consequences of that poor decision make room for credential and character assassination.

The same can’t be said for the unsuspecting victims of social/viral media, that find themselves in a situation that is totally not their fault, but whatever’s recorded happens to be so funny that whoever catches a clip of their kodak moment, feels a physical itch to share it.

Whether it be a happy or sad moment for those featured in these clips, we will always have camera phones and we will always have social media so these funny moments will continuously be shared for the entertainment value that they provide.