Paul Ryan Re-elected as House Speaker

Paul Ryan Re-elected as House Speaker
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) answers questions during his first weekly news conference at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 5, 2015. Win McNamee/Getty Images
The Associated Press

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has been re-elected to serve as speaker of the House of Representatives during the 115th Congress, gaining 239 votes.

Ryan, 46, will serve his first full term as speaker after succeeding John Boehner in October 2015. Tuesday’s vote comes with little of the drama that accompanied Boehner’s election two years ago when 25 House Republicans voted for someone other than Boehner.

Ryan will lead the GOP charge to repeal President Barack Obama’s signature health insurance law and cut taxes and regulation.

Democrats nominated Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California for speaker. She received 189 votes and will serve as House minority leader. Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio gained two votes, while Reps. Jim Cooper of Tennessee, John Lewis of Georgia and Daniel Webster each gained a vote.