Park Offers Live Chickens as Targets For Slingshot Enthusiasts: Video

Park Offers Live Chickens as Targets For Slingshot Enthusiasts: Video
A chicken flying at a chicken farm in China. (China Photos/Getty Images)
Daniel Holl
Warning: This report contains video footage with disturbing images.

Customers at a park in mainland China can fire metal slingshot balls at live chickens as a new form of entertainment, according to multiple reports from Chinese media sites on March 29.

The park, located in Henan Province, offers the chickens to slingshot enthusiasts for free if the shooter hits the chicken in the head. If they only hit the chicken, and don’t kill it, they must pay $15.

“It’s kind of gruesome” female guest said in the video with a laugh. “Frightening.”

China, in recent history, has done very poorly on animal rights. China’s recent increase in wealth has led to even worse treatment of animals internally and abroad.

A Chicken, A Slingshot

The group of onlookers cheers as a man in a wine-colored coat shoots a chicken. “That’s a spot-on headshot,” one of the individuals offscreen could be heard saying in the video.

The chicken flails around wildly on the ground, flapping its wings and stumbling through the grass. The next scene shows a similar killing by a man in a red shirt and black vest shoots a chicken. The chicken was standing near a cage full of chickens.

Reports said that the park has encouraged many slingshot enthusiasts to congregate there.

“If you hit its head with one shot and kill it, you take it home for free.” the boss said. “If you hit and don’t kill it, then you have to pay 100 yuan [$15].”

The boss said that whether or not the shooters kill the chicken, they'll still take the bird home.

Another man, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, shoots at a chicken across a small creek. He then runs across, and picks it up.

“Spoils of war!” the man raises his hands over his head. The flailing bird is in his right hand, the slingshot in his left hand. “Last year, I hit more than 100 chickens with that slingshot.”

A woman filming the video asks a man holding a chicken, “Is this cruel or not?”

“This!” a man in a black shirt shouts at first in the video, clenching the chicken by it’s wings. “It’s entertainment.”

Daniel Holl is a Sacramento, California-based reporter, specializing in China-related topics. He moved to China alone and stayed there for almost seven years, learning the language and culture. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
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