Osama Bin Laden Releases New Message—Or Did He? (Video)

A new Osama Bin Laden videotape has been released, according to reports from Site, a US-based intelligence online monitoring group.
Osama Bin Laden Releases New Message—Or Did He? (Video)


The tape may be aimed at stoking resentment in Pakistan

A new Osama Bin Laden videotape has been released, according to reports from Site, a US-based intelligence online monitoring group.

Bin Laden’s last purported message in March was a threat of violence against America if Khalid Sheikh Muhammed, the alleged mastermind behind 9/11, is executed.

Although not yet authenticated, the new message attempts to portray the al Qaeda leader in a humanitarian light and even mentions the catastrophic effects of climate change in Islamic nations.

Entitled ‘Pauses with the Method of Relief Work,’ the 11 minute audio recording is accompanied by a still image of bin Laden, alternating with stills of disaster afflicted people receiving aid.

The speaker calls for relief and charity for Muslims affected by natural disasters such as the recent Pakistan floods. There is not date reference but the mention of Rahmadan and the Pakistan floods suggest it is less than two months old.

This is the third recent message from al Qaeda mentioning Pakistan. The previous two criticized the Pakistani government for poor relief efforts in response to the flooding. The messages could be a strategic shift to stoke internal resentment in Pakistan, ABC News reported.

This latest message arrives after the recent uncovering of a terror plot by European and US intelligence. Officials said Bin Laden asked al Qaeda affiliates to attack England, France and Germany using a “Mumbai-style” attack aimed at “soft and economic” targets, according to the BBC.