Oregon Includes Porn Literacy Workshop in Teacher Sex-Ed Training

Oregon Includes Porn Literacy Workshop in Teacher Sex-Ed Training
People gather to call on Premier Doug Ford to keep his promise to repeal the controversial 2015 sex education curriculum and for Education Minister Lisa Thompson to resign at Queen’s Park in Toronto on Feb. 2, 2019. (NTD Television)
Alice Giordano

A workshop entitled “A Case for Porn Literacy” is among the recent offerings by Oregon as part of its training of public school teachers for the state’s newly-proposed sex-ed curriculum.

The one-day workshop on porn literacy was taught by Justine Ang Fonte.

Fonte, who calls herself an intersectional health educator, made headline news when she taught a similarly-entitled class to students at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School where Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron once attended.

According to published reports, the “Pornography Literacy” class taught at the prominent Manhattan school included a slide presentation of partially-nude women and presentations of various porn themes.

Fonte also gave a presentation on “OnlyFans,” an app used by sex workers and the adult entertainment industry. In 2019, The New York Times dubbed it “the paywall of porn.”

Neither she nor the Oregon Board of Education responded to inquiries from The Epoch Times about the workshop.

The Oregon workshop Fonte taught was offered along with other sessions including “What’s the ‘A’ again? Asexual-affirming Sex Ed,” “LGBTQ2S+Identities” and “Latinx Inclusive Sex Ed.”

They were discovered by Teachers_Exposed, a Facebook group run by a father who is going to college to become a teacher. Going by the initials “J.M”, he recently had his Twitter account suspended.

MacKensey Pulliam, president of Oregon Moms Union, told The Epoch Time that she was highly disturbed by the workshops, mostly because they seem to violate Oregon law that requires parents to be notified in advance of any curriculum on human sexuality.

“A lot of us ... don’t understand why gender studies and sexual orientations are all of a sudden outside that curriculum that requires parental notification,” Pulliam said, “it makes parents feel like they’re trying to hide something.”

Pulliam said she would like to know why the workshops, which are listed as being offered under a state program called My Future—My Choice, weren’t posted on the program’s website or any of the state’s other websites.

Notice of them and details about each one of them are instead posted on a private website and a federally-run government website called “govdelivery,” a web-based email subscription management system run by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The DHS site states that “Users engaging the DHS GovDelivery system expect privacy protections while interacting with the department.”

The links to the workshop include contact information for an ODHS employee with the My Future—My Choice program and also the ODHS’s name and logo.

Neither the employee nor the ODHS responded to questions from The Epoch Times about the workshops.

My Future—My Choice, which is listed under the “Children” division of the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) and not the Board of Education, is described on its website as a “comprehensive, medically accurate, inclusive and trauma-informed sexuality education curriculum that meets the 6th Grade requirements of Oregon’s Health Education Standards.”

Glenn Gaither, a Republican running for the House of Representatives told The Epoch Times that he is concerned Oregon has become the epicenter for government “grooming” of children.

“People have no idea how dark it is here in Oregon,” said Gaither, “this is the woketopian capital of the United States.”

He said he has recently been getting calls from parents around the state about student sex surveys schools are conducting.

According to Gaither, students are being asked things like what kind of sexual activity their parents engage in at home and what kind of sexual activity they prefer themselves, as part of the surveys.

Pulliam said Oregon Moms Union, which was involved in the recent “genderbread” controversy in Oregon, is constantly contacted by parents concerned about what appears to be deliberately hidden sexual agendas at their children’s schools.

Her group is currently involved in a case in which a school nurse at an elementary school started a “rainbow club” and allegedly told students “to keep it a secret.”

“We are definitely having some transparency issues here,” she said.

The discovery of the porn workshop in Oregon follows the highly-publicized story of a Texas high school social studies teacher who somehow accidentally uploaded a porn video he was allegedly watching on his school-issued laptop onto a projection screen during class.

It fell on the same week Salt Lake City residents in Utah started a petition to end hardcore porn courses they discovered were being offered at nearby Westminster College.

“Hardcore pornography is as American as apple pie and more popular than Sunday night football,” begins the college’s description of the course.

According to the curriculum’s description, students will watch hardcore porn movies together and discuss, “the sexualization of race, class, and gender and as an experimental, radical art form.”

Alice Giordano is a freelance reporter for The Epoch Times. She is a former news correspondent for The Boston Globe, Associated Press, and the New England bureau of The New York Times.
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