Why President Trump Is America’s Indispensable Man

Why President Trump Is America’s Indispensable Man
Former U.S. President Donald Trump arrives to hold a rally in Sarasota, Fla., on July 3, 2021. Eva Marie Uzcategui/Getty Images
Steven W. Mosher

So you say you are tired of Donald Trump’s outspokenness and bravado.

You want a return to “normal politics” in the United States, the kind you can largely ignore until a few weeks before elections, after which you can get back to living your lives, knowing that the people you have elected won’t be able to move the needle much in the meantime, either for good or for ill.

After all, you believe, they will be constrained by the separation of powers written into the Constitution, no less than by the Constitution itself.

You think to yourself that, even if the Democrats win, they might raise your taxes a little or expand government programs, but that will be all.

If you believe that, normal American, you are living in the past. That kind of politics, fought according to the political equivalent of Marquis of Queensbury boxing rules, is gone forever.

The socialists who have seized control of the Democratic Party no longer play by the gentlemanly rules enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  They simply don’t believe in limited government or the rule of law; they believe that the Bill of Rights is only a list of suggestions. They view the law itself as merely a “social construct,” to be reconstructed whenever they are in power to fit their current fancies.

Like their comrades in arms, the Communists, the socialist Democrats are pure Machiavellians, interested only in seizing and holding power—forever.

While normal Americans have God to worship, jobs to perform, businesses to run, families to love, and children to care for, socialists are a different breed of animal altogether. In pursuit of their imaginary socialist utopia, they are happy to eat and breathe politics 24/7. For them, it’s all politics, all the time.

They live for the thrill of posting snarky tweets about flyover country or slamming the rubes on Facebook. They conspire endlessly to gerrymander congressional districts, pass universal mail-in balloting, and stuff ballot boxes after midnight. And they have absolutely no compunctions about thus rigging the game so that the odds are ever in their favor.

Like it or not, normal American, politics in America is now a cage match, with no holds barred.

The only question remaining for Americans is “How will we fight back to preserve the American ideals of limited government and inalienable rights. Because if we don’t fight back, we are in danger of losing the last, best hope of mankind—forever.

Fortunately, there are still men and women in America who are willing to pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to the cause of liberty.

I think here of the 45th president of the United States, who did exactly that.

Trump accomplished an amazing amount in his four years in office, far outpacing even Ronald Reagan in this regard. He unleashed American energy, and jump-started economic growth. He rolled back red tape at home and negotiated better trade deals for America abroad. He put over 200 judges on the federal bench, including three on the Supreme Court. He instituted policies to advance the cause of Life at home and abroad, built a wall across much of the southern border, and did much to protect religious freedom.

Most social conservatives appreciate these real accomplishments and are eager for Trump to run again. They aren’t simply fanboys and girls swept away by his powerful persona. They have come to see that he’s a man of real convictions who has a deep love for the country he grew up in.

Trump’s accomplishments loom even larger because they were accomplished in the face of tremendous obstacles.

While Reagan endured the Iran-Contra attack late in his second term, Trump came under vicious attack even before he was elected, when the Clinton campaign trotted out its Russia collusion hoax. It’s astonishing in retrospect that this political scam was deliberately dragged out for three long years by Deep State actors such as Robert Mueller and Peter Strzok, not to mention serial liar Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).

The Democrats went even further than they had dared to with Reagan. They made no fewer than three attempts to impeach Trump on phony charges. It was a sign of desperation on their part. They were willing to repeatedly willing to bring false charges against a very successful president to distract Americans from the fact that their lives were getting better.

It’s simply amazing that one man, despite having to “fight for his life” throughout his presidency, as Trump has put it, was able to accomplish so much for ordinary Americans from all walks of life during his short four years in office.

Trump was, I believe, handily reelected in 2020, only to have the election stolen by late-night ballot drops and questionable ballot counts. Does anyone on either side of the aisle believe that unimpressive and unpopular Joe Biden really got 81 million votes? I guarantee you that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, in the recesses of her dark heart, knows he didn’t.

It astonishes me that, in the light of all this, there are still those who criticize Trump for not accomplishing all he set out to do. Or who question his commitment to the things that really matter, namely, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—the last of which the Founders understood to be the result of following God’s laws and doing His will.

It isn’t surprising that most social conservatives appreciate these real accomplishments and are eager for Trump to run again. They have come to see that he is a man of real convictions and real accomplishments who has a deep love for the country he grew up in.
It’s not the desire for “revenge” for a stolen election, as one pundit recently wrote in these pages, that leads social conservatives and economic nationalists to support Donald Trump. Rather, it’s the conviction that we stand on the edge of a precipice, dangerously close to falling headlong into a soft tyranny.

At this juncture, it is clear that there is only one man with the intelligence, the experience, the determination, and the sheer grit to snatch us back from the edge.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Steven W. Mosher
Steven W. Mosher
Steven W. Mosher is the president of the Population Research Institute and the author of “Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order.” A former National Science Foundation fellow, he studied human biology at Stanford University under famed geneticist Luigi Cavalli-Sforza. He holds advanced degrees in Biological Oceanography, East Asian Studies, and Cultural Anthropology. One of America’s leading China watchers, he was selected in 1979 by the National Science Foundation to be the first American social scientist to do field research in China.
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