David Krayden: Arresting Youths for Burning Pride Flag Again Shows Inconsistency of Justice System

David Krayden: Arresting Youths for Burning Pride Flag Again Shows Inconsistency of Justice System
A pride flag is photographed during a Pride flag raising ceremony in Saskatoon on June 1, 2023. (The Canadian Press/Heywood Yu)
David Krayden
If you had any doubt that the judicial system had turned against ordinary Canadians, just have a look at what is transpiring in Kitchener, Ont.
Police have arrested four male youths accused of setting fire to a Pride flag.
What if they set ablaze a Canadian flag? Do you think there would be any charges?
They are facing the usual trumped-up “hate” charges for allegedly damaging a symbol that is arguably all about hate itself: hatred for the values of most world religions that are not in sync with the LGBT worldview. 
Police say the youths are aged between 15-17 and their supposed criminality involved their taking down a Pride flag from a Kitchener school and then setting it on fire. 
No one was hurt. Nonetheless, the kids are facing charges of mischief motivated by hate, public incitement of hatred, and theft under $5,000.
Waterloo Regional Police say the flag was damaged on the afternoon of Sept. 21.
Kitchener was the same location where vandals desecrated a statue of Sir John A. Macdonald with red paint. No one was hurt then either but no one was charged and the police showed no interest in doing so. 
You can buy another Pride flag just about anywhere these days. Not so a Macdonald statue.
In Montreal, a Macdonald monument was also targeted by activists who toppled a statue to support a defund the police campaign.
Why would they want to defund the police when the police clearly have no interest in arresting so-called “activists” who are not just destroying public property but are also on an Orwellian mission of cancelling Canadian history by eviscerating the memory of the great men who founded this nation.
A statue of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II were hauled down at the Manitoba legislature on July 1, 2021. Media recorded the incident. No charges were laid. 
The Waterloo region just passed a bylaw that attempts to gag any speech that might offend people and cause them to feel “tormented, troubled, or worried.” Well, that’s a tall order to enforce.
Although the legislation was clearly enacted to prevent another Million March for Children ever occurring within this geographic bubble that bans free speech, perhaps those experiencing some sense of trouble or worry over the desecration of historical monuments might have some recourse to justice and some action by police.
Whether it’s from political pressure or some innate wokeism that infected their ranks, police forces throughout Canada consistently target anyone opposing the LGBT agenda and are fully supportive of the gross excesses of that movement.
During Ottawa’s Million March For Children, police manhandled a woman because she was apparently standing too close to the Prime Minister’s Office on Wellington St. They made multiple arrests for “inciting hatred.” None of the counter-protesters were arrested for hurling slurs at the parental rights marchers. The police even let them walk all over Wellington St. while it kept the object of their derision on the sidewalk. I know; I was there.
But when it’s a Pride event, the police look the other way. 
They might note that at Ottawa’s recent “Capital Pride” fest, children watched as adults participated in a “dildo ring toss.” Did no one think this was a sexual offense against the kids?
At Toronto Pride celebrations this year, men exposed themselves to children and the police refused to intervene, let alone arrest anyone.
But as I said at the beginning of this column, the Pride flag has somehow been elevated beyond the level of being merely a political symbol to something sacred. When was the last time you heard of anyone being charged for desecrating the Canadian flag? Do you think the police would even think of arresting someone for burning the emblem of our nationhood, the symbol of Canada’s real pride?
Not on your life.
So I rejoiced when I heard that the parents of all faiths and political persuasions will again take the to streets across Canada on Oct. 21 to demonstrate that average Canadians who respect the Canadian flag and insist upon their traditional rights to raise their children in the culture, religion, and values that they hold dear will be reiterating the profound truth that they matter. 
It really is time to take back this country from reckless and irresponsible politicians, activists, and bureaucrats who continue to demonstrate their profound disrespect and contempt for anyone who disagrees with them or their woke, extreme agenda. 
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
David Krayden graduated from Carleton University's School of Journalism and served with the Air Force in public affairs before working on Parliament Hill as a legislative assistant and communications advisor. As a journalist he has been a weekly columnist for the Calgary Herald, Ottawa Sun, and iPolitics.
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