Open Letter to Bath Community Hospital Board of Directors

Open Letter to Bath Community Hospital Board of Directors
Jerry Nelson

A rural county in western Virginia in the United States has been in an uproar recently. The Board of Directors at the local hospital, Bath Community Hospital, have made some decisions and changes that many county residents disagree with. A Facebook page has been set up to give everyone an open forum to share their thoughts and grievances. An informal and unscientific survey shows that the citizens are opposed, roughly 100 to 1, to the actions of the board.

Tonight, October 28, there is a called meeting to discuss the concerns. With that in mind, here is an Open Letter to the Board of Directors.





To quote Ronald Reagan, “There you go again.”

Your open letter to the community recently published in The Recorder is, well, bullshit. It’s an attempt to put a political spin on an unfortunate, and un-called for, situation that you created. It’s an effort to cover your tracks. And, for the record, I think -- and I believe most agree -- that’s it’s a weak attempt.

It’s obviously an effort by PR to put make-up on a pig, and it’s a pitiful effort at that. You’re big fish in a small pond, yet you try so hard to be one of the “big boys.”

The difference between your corporate spin and the “big boys’” spin is simple.

Your spin is like a ten-year old.

When you catch a ten-year old doing something wrong, they try to cover it up by giving you a line of bullshit, and you know it’s bullshit.

The big boys (corporate types that you seem intent on trying to emulate), are a little more sophisticated.

When you catch them doing something wrong, they give you a line of bullshit, you know it’s bullshit, but at least it’s believable bullshit.

Yours isn’t even believable.

Just a few random thoughts about the letter...

“We have heard and appreciate...”

So? Is the fact that you ‘heard’ somehow supposed to make me sleep better at night? Is the fact that you ‘heard’ any indication that you own responsibility for this fiasco of your own creation?

“We respectfully request....”

I think the community ’respectfully' requests that you step down and put in place a Board that understands transparency instead of lip-service.

“...realizes that perhaps we could have more effectively communicated...”
“...we will work to remain transparent...”

Sorry, guys. This won’t cut it. You can’t continue to speak out of mouth sides of your mouth. In one sentence you acknowledge that you could have been more effective communicators and almost in the same breath -- certainly within the same paragraph -- you claim that you have been transparent all along.

“Let there be no doubt that BCH....”
Now you take us on a virtual tour of the chrome, glass and brass and you demonstrate again just how out of touch you are. You miss the point. It’s the people. I don’t care how fancy the building looks or the fact that ER ranks in the 99th percentile, you'd have nothing but an empty and hollow shell if it weren’t for -- wait for it -- THE PEOPLE.

“Our unique legacy...”
Now for a history lesson. YAWN. Just like too many other ineffective Boards of Directors, you have one foot in yesterday, one foot in tomorrow and you’re pissing all over today. Let the citizens of Bath County (and the surrounding region) know what you’re going to do for them T.O.D.A.Y.

“...members of the local community, like you, health care customers.”
I‘d be interested in knowing where each of the Board members receives THEIR healthcare. Bath Community Hospital? Staunton? Roanoke? Richmond. C’mon fellas. Practice a little of that ’transparency’ you claim you’re learning about.

“Three more phases will follow...”
Well, the people. What are you going to do for the PEOPLE. Not just the ones that may seek out health care services, but the people that DELIVER those healthcare services.

I realize there will be some candy-ass, politically correct, sensitive people that read this and take it as a personal attack on the members of the board. Let them think what they want. They couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the directions were written on the heel.

When Ale and I get a chance to visit, I'd be honored to take each of you to lunch. I don’t think you’re bad people. I think you’re good people who have just made some terribly bad decisions.

I’m nothing special. I’m just a monkey with a keyboard who got lucky and happened to develop a global following as I rant and ramble about social justice.

But blame the citizens of Bath County for that. They’re the ones that planted the thirst for social justice inside me.

I’ve got a (new) client in Pakistan/Syria that has been after me to come and cover the affects of war on the children in the region. I’ve got another client in The Ukraine and Russia that wants me to head their direction to cover the affects of the fighting on the population there.

I’m seriously thinking about going. The same drive for social justice and transparency that the folks in Bath County taught me when I was growing up, still drives me today.

If any of you want to see what affect the ultimate in bad decision-making has on people, you’re more than welcome to join me. Bring your own AK47 though.

I hope you have a great meeting tonight. And remember, God gave you two ears and one mouth. Maybe tonight you'll listen twice as much as you speak.


Jerry Nelson
Buenos Aires

I´m often asked why do I do what I do. Through floods, stampedes, drug cartels, raging rivers and blizzards…why do I keep putting this old battered and used up body on the line. The answer is simple, but maybe hard to understand. I believe that photos can be used to change the conditions in which people live. For me, photography is both a path and instrument for social justice. I like to point the camera where images can make a difference — especially
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