One of the Best Decisions I Have Made This Year

One of the Best Decisions I Have Made This Year
The Reader's Turn
Greetings Mr. Fakkert,
One of the best decisions I have made this year is subscribing to your Epoch Times. You bring a moral compass, a moral clarity with your writings, especially as regards to current events. For numerous years I have accessed daily American Thinker, Real Clear Politics & Townhall Conservative Columnists. Victor Davis Hanson is my favorite writer with his brilliant, incisive writings.
The writings of Roger Simon & Michael Walsh this current edition of the ET newsletter (Aug. 5-11) were also ‘incisive’ and informative. I am also delving into the exceptional books of “The Specter of Communism.”
Lastly, I entered your “Essay Contest” a week ago with an essay titled, “The Admiration of the Admirable President Ronald Reagan” who loved and defended America, its history & legacy.
All the Best Mr. Fakkert.
David G.
The Reader's Turn
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