On the Road: Camping Out for Your Next Motorcycle Tour

On the Road: Camping Out for Your Next Motorcycle Tour
Miles Young

For most people, camping and motorcycle tours don’t often go hand in hand. You might instead associate camping with loading up a car full of supplies for yourself and your family that includes everything from tents that sleep eight people to coolers of drinking water. However, camping out on your next motorcycle tour might be easier and safer than you think. By following a few simple tips, you can sleep outside in comfort and safety while you enjoy the tour at the same time.


DSCN8784_72 - Goldwing Motorcycle Tour


Image via Flickr by bterrycompton 

One of the biggest advantages to camping out on a motorbike tour is that it saves you a great deal of money. Since the distance you’re traveling has a lot to do with how much money you spend, camping out is a great way to save money that you would otherwise spend on hotel or motel stays along the way, especially when you consider the price of gas. If you’re worried about safety, then planning your trip to find campgrounds or other designated camping areas along your route is the best way to alleviate those worries. Camping on these tours is a fairly common practice, so not only will you be able to camp and commune with your fellow bikers, you will also not have to worry about being isolated for any period of time.

Another way to stay safe on motorbike tours is to let other bikers know where you are if you need to break off from the pack for some reason. Keeping in touch by text is a great way to do this, especially if you need to stop for mechanical reasons and you fall behind the rest of the group. If you must camp on your own before you catch up, let more than one person know of your whereabouts. Try and find a designated campground if you’re on your own in order to decrease safety risks.

Camping out during motorcycle tours is also safe because you have the advantage of many other bikers looking out for you. Since you’re part of a community, other bikers are usually willing to lend you items that you might have forgotten or share their supplies with you in a pinch. You won’t have to worry about going it alone, and camping with a large group or tour is usually a once-in-a-lifetime experience that is not only safe, but fun and unforgettable as well.

Miles Young
Miles Young
Miles Young is a freelance writer, traveler, tech geek and finger skateboard enthusiast.
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