Offshore Wind Project Goes into High Gear

The Department of the Interior, hopes to spur rapid and responsible development of renewable resources.
Offshore Wind Project Goes into High Gear
[xtypo_dropcap]A[/xtypo_dropcap] new initiative of the U.S. government will make space on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf available for siting, leasing, and construction of new offshore wind projects. The agency behind the project, the Department of the Interior, hopes to spur the “rapid and responsible development of this abundant renewable resource.”

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said in a statement that his agency wants to “fully harness the economic and energy benefits of our nation’s vast Atlantic wind potential.” Salazar has noted that a permitting process with less red tape is vital.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement is also proposing a revision of regulations in order to simplify the leasing process for offshore wind when there is one qualified and interested developer. They anticipate it will save up to 6 to 12 months in the leasing process.