Officers Gift Elderly Man a Brand New Bike After Heartless Thieves Take His Old One

Epoch Video

When the two officers in this video responded to the call of a bike theft, they didn’t expect to find the owner to be an 80-year-old man. Robert, the bike owner, tells them that despite his age, it’s his only means of transport.

They know the chances of catching a bike thief are slim, and when they learn it’s Robert’s only means of transport they decide to do something special.

Rather than leaving Robert to struggle or become isolated, they go away and return with a brand-new bike. “Robert!” one of the officers call in greeting. “I’ve got something for you, buddy.”

You can see Robert come down his walkway with a level of mobility we can all aspire to have at his age. “Is this a new one here?” The officers ask him to try the bike out and adjust the seat for him.

The bike comes with a basket, cup holder and new bike lock, to help Robert prevent this new bike from being stolen. “Thank you. Thanks a lot,” Robert says, and tells them he’ll keep it in his garage during the day. They reassure Robert that they’ll still try to find the other bike and catch the guy who did it.

Thanks to their generosity, Robert can get around; giving him back his independence.

Watch the video to see Robert receive the new bike for yourself!

Video Credit: Cape Coral Police Department - I Cape Coral Police Department -