Occupy Protesters Camp in Front of Obama Office

Occupy Wall Street protesters camped overnight in front of President Barack Obama’s campaign headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, on Sunday, Dec. 18, hoping to speak to a spokesperson to voice their concerns.
Occupy Protesters Camp in Front of Obama Office

Occupy Wall Street protesters camped overnight in front of President Barack Obama’s campaign headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa, on Sunday, Dec. 18, hoping to speak to a spokesperson to voice their concerns.

Around 11 people slept in front of Obama’s office in chilly, below-freezing weather, reported ABC News.

“We ask that, number one, they cut the U.S. military budget in half; and number two, he dismantle the U.S. military empire,” Occupy Des Moines Jessica Reznicek told the news agency.

A spokesperson with Obama’s campaign declined to comment to ABC.

With numerous cities dismantling Occupy protest camps, protesters have been forced to take new measures to get their message heard, including giving a homeless family a foreclosed house in Brooklyn and demonstrators disrupting ports in West Coast cities.

Reznicek said Occupy protesters from around the United States will converge on Des Moines on Dec. 26 to “occupy” campaign offices of candidates to target them with “their grievances,” according to the television station.