Obama Campaign Raises $45 Million in February

President Barack Obama raised around $45 million for his re-election campaign as well as for the Democratic National Committee during February, according to new figures.
Obama Campaign Raises $45 Million in February

President Barack Obama raised around $45 million for his re-election campaign as well as for the Democratic National Committee during February, according to new figures.

In a release, his campaign office said that 348,000 people donated to raise money for his campaign last month. Of those people, it said, around 105,000 people “were giving to support this organization for the very first time.”

The campaign noted that 97.7 percent of the contributions were $250 or less. The average donation was $59.04. The figures for last month have far outpaced Obama’s haul of $29 million in January.

Republican candidate Mitt Romney raised $11.5 million in February, according to reports last week. His rival, Rick Santorum, raised more than $9 million.

Ben LaBolt, his campaign spokesperson, said via Twitter that money “the GOP candidates are raising will be spent on the air carpet-bombing each other,” adding that Obama’s campaign is raising money for “our [general] elect infrastructure.”