Obama Asks Congress for 2 Billion to Stop Child Immigrants

In response to what he calls an “humanitarian crisis”, president Obama will ask Congress for $2 billion to hawk the flow of child immigrants streaming through America’s southern border(THE WHITE HOUSE).
Epoch Video

In response to what he calls an “humanitarian crisis”, president Obama will ask Congress for $2 billion to hawk the flow of child immigrants streaming through America’s southern border(THE WHITE HOUSE).

Since 2011, the number of children captured at the U.S. border has surged. In 2014, an estimated 70,000 children from Mexico and Central America were caught at the border(VOX).

The Federal Government has been criticized for its inability to handle the immigrants. Voice of America reports that hundreds of undocumented immigrant children are being held at detention centers.

The crisis has created a political dilemma for the president. Deporting the children in mass is legally dicey and could alienate Hispanic voters.

But keeping them here will worsen this severe crowding of detained immigrants on the border(THE WASHINGTON POST).

Obama responded with an announcement Sunday that he will seek $2 billion in emergency funding from Congress.

The New York Times reports that the money would be used to expand enforcement and humanitarian aide.

The president also warned parents to stop sending their kids north.

The funding is of course contingent on Congress’ approval. A spokesperson for House Speaker John Boehner said his office would have no comment until the proposal has been reviewed(THE WHITE HOUSE).




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