International Vocal Competition Showcases Chinese Talent

The Asia-Pacific preliminary of the fourth NTDTV International Chinese Vocal Competition, held in Taipei July 11, drew praise from music professionals.
International Vocal Competition Showcases Chinese Talent
The judges pose for a photo with some of the finalists. (Lin Bodong/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="The judges pose for a photo with some of the finalists. (Lin Bodong/The Epoch Times)" title="The judges pose for a photo with some of the finalists. (Lin Bodong/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1817350"/></a>
The judges pose for a photo with some of the finalists. (Lin Bodong/The Epoch Times)
TAIPEI, Taiwan—The Asia-Pacific preliminary of the fourth NTDTV International Chinese Vocal Competition, held in Taipei July 11, drew praise from music professionals.

The preliminary competition was held at Soochow University in Taipei. Out of the 29 participants, 16 finalists passed the preliminary. The semi-finals and finals will be held in New York.

According to the sponsor, NTDTV, the 29 participants were mostly vocal teachers, vocal students, and vocal enthusiasts. The youngest participant was only age 16 and the oldest 56. For many of the participants, this was their second or third time at the competition.

After revealing the list of finalists, vocal-competition judge Mr. Lan Yeliu said he saw the “future of the world” in the participants.

He also said that New York is the arts capital of the world, and many theater managers and owners gather there, looking for world-class performers and the stars of tomorrow. He encouraged participants to seize this opportunity during the semi-finals and finals to fulfill their dreams of stardom.

Lead judge Mr. Guan Guimin, a renowned tenor, said that this competition is the only international vocal competition in the world that is held by Chinese. Mr. Guan is a household name among those 35 years and older who lived in mainland China during the 1980s and 1990s. He added that Chinese people have their own culture, but the Chinese communist regime has destroyed that culture and started to imitate the West.

Mr. Guan said that currently the regime is also hosting a vocal competition, and many people want to go compete and get medals. However, Guan said the entire world knows that the regime is equivalent to fascism.

“When the Chinese communist regime falls, who will want to admit that the fascists gave them a medal? There is no future there.”

The competition has attracted the attention of people in music circles. The Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir’s conductor, Wu Lang, attended the competition and said, “Today’s competition was really wonderful! Many participants were very excellent, and their performances were outstanding!” He added that it would be very challenging for the judges to score the performances.

“Even the preliminary is already so exciting,” Mr. Wu said. “We are really looking forward to the finals in New York. This is really very successful and very exciting!

“Many of the participants’ performances today were very memorable. In particular, some vocal students and enthusiasts are already good enough to participate in large international competitions. Their passion for vocal music really moved the audiences.”

Mr. Wu also praised NTDTV’s hosting of international competitions. He said this kind of competition allows the international community to discover Chinese talent and gives Chinese people a chance to showcase their talents. He highly recommends that young people participate in the competition to help promote the NTDTV International Chinese Vocal Competition across Taiwan.

Read the original Chinese article.