‘No Trump Supporters’ Rule in Chicago Bar Intended as a Joke, Says Owner

‘No Trump Supporters’ Rule in Chicago Bar Intended as a Joke, Says Owner
Man wearing a MAGA cap. (Gage Skidmore/Wikipedia Commons/CC BY-SA 2.0)
Simon Veazey

Whether it is a slick marketing gimmick styled to catch the viral politics of the day, a slight to Trump supporters, or harmless barroom humor, a rule stating “No Trump supporters” in a new prohibition-style Chicago bar has certainly stirred discussion ... along with raising its profile.

No phones. No Trump Supporters. No Cubs fans.

Those are just three of the 16 rules listed outside the newly opened Hyde bar on Chicago’s South Side, which are intended as a joke, according to the owners.

Only one of the rules is actually enforced—no phones.

Patrons wearing MAGA baseball caps or Cubs jerseys will be denied entry not because of the “No Trump Supporter” rule—which the owners maintain is humorous—but because of the dress code that stipulates 1920s attire.

“These are the rules of the house making their rounds. There’s no room for negative people in our house,” the Hyde posted to Instagram Monday, Jan. 21, along with the list of 16 rules (listed at the end of the article) in the bar foyer. “If you don’t understand the industry and are ignorant to the humor in this then do us a favor and hit that unfollow button.”

The avalanche of comments on social media suggests that some voters and some sports fans indeed don’t find it funny. Some critics accused the bar—which opened on New Year’s Eve—of trying to spark the controversy simply for the sake of publicity.

The rules, which are presented  in the style of the rules include the following: “If you can’t taste the alcohol, Don’t order everything with cranberry juice”; “Keep it classy and a little sassy” and “When the barkeep says you’ve had enough, you have!”

Only Rule Number 1. is enforced: “No cellphone use inside the lounge.”

Ironically, despite the phone ban that keeps the bar a social-media-free zone, patrons are going to need to use Instagram to get into the prohibition-style bar, complete with barrels, and cognac-sippers in bow ties.

Like the illegal speakeasy bars of the 1920s that served alcohol under prohibition, to get through the unmarked, unassuming metal door, patrons need to call out a password—obtainable beforehand via an Instagram message.

“Once you enter the speakeasy, no phone usage is allowed inside,” says a post on the bar’s instagram account. “If you are seen on your phone you will be escorted out.”

Bar owner Jovanis Bouargoub said that the phone rule is enforced, according to The Chicago Sun-Times but the rules banning Cubs fans or Trump supporters were meant to be funny.

“If we see you checking your emails or your social media, then the host or one of the staff will tell you to please put your phone away … and if you don’t listen to that, the host will escort you out and you won’t be allowed in next time.” “We’re very serious about that.”

But Bouargoub said as long they don’t plaster their political preferences or sports teams all over their clothing, he couldn’t care less how they voted or which teams they support.

The 16 rules include no mention of a dresscode, which is stipulated on their social media accounts.

“1920’s attire is require,” says one Instagram post. “If you are not dressed to code, entry will not be permitted.”

According to the Sun-Times, jerseys, ball caps, and white socks aren’t allowed.

Hyde Bar Chicago House Rules (via Instagram)

  • No cellphone use inside the lounge.
  • What happens at The Hyde stays at The Hyde.
  • We don’t “Make It Strong.” Order a double.
  • No shoes, No Teeth, No service.
  • No Cubs Fans.
  • No Trump Supporters.
  • Keep it class and a little sassy.
  • It’s Chicago, blame the prices on Chicago.
  • If you can’t taste the alcohol, Don’t order everything with cranberry juice.
  • Tip.
  • If you don’t like something we’re happy to fix it for you before you finish it.
  • We are always right.
  • If we are wrong please refer to Rule No. 12.
  • $50 fine for bitching.
  • If you’ve been waiting at the bar for two minutes, please tell us you’ve been waiting for 20 minutes. This keeps us on our toes as we have no sense of time.
  • When the barkeep says you’ve had enough, you have!
Simon Veazey is a UK-based journalist who has reported for The Epoch Times since 2006 on various beats, from in-depth coverage of British and European politics to web-based writing on breaking news.
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