NFLPA Files Collusion Suit Against NFL

The NFL Players Association filed a collusion complaint against the NFL in the U.S. District Court of Minnesota on Wednesday, according to a report on the NFL’s website.
NFLPA Files Collusion Suit Against NFL
DeMaurice Smith and the NFLPA believe there was a secret salary cap in 2010. EZRA SHAW/GETTY IMAGES
Dave Martin
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The NFL Players Association filed a collusion complaint against the NFL in the U.S. District Court of Minnesota on Wednesday, according to a report on the NFL’s website.

The complaint alleges that the league imposed a secret $123 million salary cap during the uncapped season of 2010, pointing to the league’s recent punishment of the Washington Redskins, Dallas Cowboys, New Orleans Saints, and Oakland Raiders as proof of the salary restraints.

“When the rules are broken in a way that hurts the game, we have an obligation to act,” said NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith in a statement.

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello had a response to the complaint. “The filing of these claims is prohibited by the collective bargaining agreement and separately by an agreement signed by the players’ attorneys last August. The claims have absolutely no merit and we fully expect them to be dismissed.”

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Dave Martin
Dave Martin
Dave Martin is a New-York based writer as well as editor. He is the sports editor for the Epoch Times and is a consultant to private writers.