Who Should Be the Next N.Y. Senator?

With Hillary Clinton on her way to Washington, D.C. to be the next Secretary of State, there is an empty Senate seat waiting to be filled.
Who Should Be the Next N.Y. Senator?
Mark Lacava, 46, Manhattan, Social Worker, 46. “Andrew Cuomo. He’s got a little bit of experience, he’s a New Yorker, and he’sItalian, I wouldn`t mind Kennedy either, but think between the two Cuomo is the better choice.” The Epoch Times

With Hillary Clinton on her way to Washington, D.C. to be the next Secretary of State, there is an empty Senate seat waiting to be filled. Governor Paterson has the final word on who will take the coveted position. At this point there’s a lot of buzz over Caroline Kennedy; among other big names being circulated are actress Fran Drescher and State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.

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Ross LaHive
Ross LaHive
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