New York Gov. Wants to Spend $1 Billion on Fast Internet

Governor Cuomo has outlined a plan to bring broadband access to every New York resident by 2019. Dubbed the “2015 State of Opportunity Agenda”, the plan will create a $500 million New NY Broadband Program to bring fast internet to underserved areas.
New York Gov. Wants to Spend $1 Billion on Fast Internet
New York Broadband Map, showing how much of the state is unable to get access to high speed 100 Mbps connection speeds. NY Governor's Press Office

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has outlined a $500 million plan to bring broadband access to every New York resident by 2019.

The program, part of the “2015 State of Opportunity Agenda” and ahead of the State of the State on Wednesday, will match dollars with private broadband providers for infrastructure investments.

"Access to high-speed internet is critical to ensuring that all New Yorkers can reach their full potential in today's technology-driven world," -Gov. Andrew Cuomo

Access to the funds will be given to the companies that are going to provide the fastest internet to the most people at the cheapest price. Cuomo also stressed his definition of broadband will be 100Mbps, which is four times the recently announced FCC designation of 25 Mbps.

“Access to high-speed internet is critical to ensuring that all New Yorkers can reach their full potential in today’s technology-driven world,” Cuomo said. “We’re launching the largest state broadband investment in the nation in order to make that goal a reality. This is a truly bold undertaking that will improve the lives of New Yorkers in every corner of the State, and I am proud to make it a priority of our administration’s second term agenda.”

7 million New Yorkers and 113,000 business cannot get access to 100 Mbps speeds right now. More than 2,000 public schools are also unable to tap into such high-speed networks.