Taking in New York by Duck

When Henry Hudson explored the lands around present-day New York City in 1609, he never could have guessed that...
Taking in New York by Duck
NEW YORK—When Henry Hudson explored the lands around present-day New York City in 1609, he never could have guessed that 400 hundred years later, his legacy would be honored by a large plush duck. Or more accurately, by mascot Captain Henry, the honorary captain for a guided tour of New York City from inside a half-boat, half-bus amphibious vehicle, a.k.a. the “Duck.”

Actually, Henry the plush duck stays on land and we start our voyage from Time Square without him. This sailing is in memory of the great English explorer who once set out to discover the Northeast Passage to India. The Duck ship is quite modern compared to Henry Hudson’s 85-foot “Half Moon” with its crew of 20 Dutch and English sailors who explored the Hudson River. This is a hybrid truck with two boat engines on the back that enables it to move from city streets straight into the Hudson River.

“It is as pleasant a land as one need tread upon. The land is the finest for cultivation that I ever in my life set foot upon,” said Henry Hudson, according to log records published in Scientific American in 1909. In those days, locals were friendly Indians who lived in dome shaped huts, and ate mainly corn, fish and birds, observed Hudson.

Modern day New York isn’t so[italics] different, except that now locals eat popcorn, breaded fish sticks and Kentucky Fried Chicken, and there’s a giant aircraft carrier in the harbor beside us.

After touring the main sites of the city, the Duck drives into a theater. A computerized film about Henry Hudson’s voyage is projected onto three screens surrounding the Duck. Special splashing water effects do most of the work to bring his historic journey alive. Splash! Hudson’s boat sails down the River in 1609. After the captain warns us to hide our cameras, the “transformation” takes place, and with a real splash this time, we too enter the Hudson River. This is the most exciting part in this trip.

The cruise ends and we return to dry land to finish our tour at Times Square. It seems that Captain Henry Duck has successfully brought his crew home after another risky departure and already he is busy posing for pictures with his next passengers.

Overall, it’s an enjoyable 75 minutes. For visitors to New York, and families looking for a fun summer activity, this journey is on the recommended list.

NYC Ducks Prices: Thurs-Sun $24 for adults, $12 for children ages 3-12; Mon-Wed $19 for adults, $9 for children; children under three cannot ride the Duck.