Q&A: Do You Support Cell Phone Services in the Subway?

The Epoch Times asked: “Do you want cell service on the subway?”
Q&A: Do You Support Cell Phone Services in the Subway?

call somebody. I might be calling dad for help, [for example]."] <a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/JessicaThomas_medium.JPG"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/JessicaThomas_medium.JPG" alt="Jessica Thomas, 19, graphic designer, New Jersey&#8212I would feel it's a good idea just in case anything might happen. The train might happen to have an accident. When people can't escape from the train, they can [then] call somebody. I might be calling dad for help, [for example]." title="Jessica Thomas, 19, graphic designer, New Jersey&#8212I would feel it's a good idea just in case anything might happen. The train might happen to have an accident. When people can't escape from the train, they can [then] call somebody. I might be calling dad for help, [for example]." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-111464"/></a>
call somebody. I might be calling dad for help, [for example]."] Jessica Thomas, 19, graphic designer, New Jersey—I would feel it's a good idea just in case anything might happen. The train might happen to have an accident. When people can't escape from the train, they can [then] call somebody. I might be calling dad for help, [for example].
NEW YORK—The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has initiated plans to offer cell phone service in the subway system, although the perk may be a few years away. The MTA is currently testing service at stations along the 14th St. subway line and expects to get the entire system wired by 2014.

<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/RichardWallner_medium.JPG"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/RichardWallner_medium.JPG" alt="Richard Wallner, 46, call center employee, Brooklyn&#8212Why not? I mean people should be allowed to use cell phone in the subway system." title="Richard Wallner, 46, call center employee, Brooklyn&#8212Why not? I mean people should be allowed to use cell phone in the subway system." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-111465"/></a>
Richard Wallner, 46, call center employee, Brooklyn—Why not? I mean people should be allowed to use cell phone in the subway system.
While this may be great for emergency calls or to let your colleagues know that you are running late, would anyone want to be subjected to constant cell phone chatter while riding the train? The Epoch Times asked: “Do you want cell service on the subway?”

(All photos: The Epoch Times)

in some kind of an emergency. I would love to have the option to be able to use it when I need it."] <a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/Judy_medium.JPG"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/Judy_medium.JPG" alt="Judy, 65, retired, North Dakota&#8212I would be for it&#8212to be able to use cell phone in the subway system&#8212because there might be a time that you need to use it, [like] in some kind of an emergency. I would love to have the option to be able to use it when I need it." title="Judy, 65, retired, North Dakota&#8212I would be for it&#8212to be able to use cell phone in the subway system&#8212because there might be a time that you need to use it, [like] in some kind of an emergency. I would love to have the option to be able to use it when I need it." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-111466"/></a>
in some kind of an emergency. I would love to have the option to be able to use it when I need it."] Judy, 65, retired, North Dakota—I would be for it—to be able to use cell phone in the subway system—because there might be a time that you need to use it, [like] in some kind of an emergency. I would love to have the option to be able to use it when I need it.
a higher decibel level than [during] normal conversation. So the babble is going to drive people crazy."] <a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/Norm_medium.JPG"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/Norm_medium.JPG" alt="Norm, 60, doctor, North Dakota&#8212Once people start talking on the cell phone ... the noise is substantial. ... People who are speaking on the phone [have] a higher decibel level than [during] normal conversation. So the babble is going to drive people crazy." title="Norm, 60, doctor, North Dakota&#8212Once people start talking on the cell phone ... the noise is substantial. ... People who are speaking on the phone [have] a higher decibel level than [during] normal conversation. So the babble is going to drive people crazy." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-111467"/></a>
a higher decibel level than [during] normal conversation. So the babble is going to drive people crazy."] Norm, 60, doctor, North Dakota—Once people start talking on the cell phone ... the noise is substantial. ... People who are speaking on the phone [have] a higher decibel level than [during] normal conversation. So the babble is going to drive people crazy.
<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/JosetteTeneus_medium.JPG"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/JosetteTeneus_medium.JPG" alt="Josette Teneus, 37, professor, Boston&#8212Cell phone service in the subway system distracts other clients and other customers. It can be really annoying, because one has to hear what your personal problem and business transactions are. It's just not a courtesy to other travelers." title="Josette Teneus, 37, professor, Boston&#8212Cell phone service in the subway system distracts other clients and other customers. It can be really annoying, because one has to hear what your personal problem and business transactions are. It's just not a courtesy to other travelers." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-111468"/></a>
Josette Teneus, 37, professor, Boston—Cell phone service in the subway system distracts other clients and other customers. It can be really annoying, because one has to hear what your personal problem and business transactions are. It's just not a courtesy to other travelers.
<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/MohandAitAmara_medium.JPG"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/MohandAitAmara_medium.JPG" alt="Mohand Ait Amara, 29, student, New Jersey&#8212I'm busy studying and working. I don't think I have time to use the cell phone on the subway." title="Mohand Ait Amara, 29, student, New Jersey&#8212I'm busy studying and working. I don't think I have time to use the cell phone on the subway." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-111469"/></a>
Mohand Ait Amara, 29, student, New Jersey—I'm busy studying and working. I don't think I have time to use the cell phone on the subway.
<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/TimGeorgijanidze_medium.JPG"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/TimGeorgijanidze_medium.JPG" alt="Tim Georgijanidze, 33, construction worker, Queens&#8212I support subway system. I think it's not a bad idea, just in case an emergency happens. There might be a time when you need it." title="Tim Georgijanidze, 33, construction worker, Queens&#8212I support subway system. I think it's not a bad idea, just in case an emergency happens. There might be a time when you need it." width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-111470"/></a>
Tim Georgijanidze, 33, construction worker, Queens—I support subway system. I think it's not a bad idea, just in case an emergency happens. There might be a time when you need it.