New Snowstorm Develops in China

New Snowstorm Develops in China

Not yet recovered from the previous calamity, China is facing yet another snowstorm according to China’s National Meteorological Center. The temperature drop in some regions could reach 10°C (50°F).

According to NMC’s chief weather forecaster, He Lifu, this heavy snow was caused by converging hot and cold currents. It has nothing to do with the La Nina phenomenon. The havoc of snowstorms in southern China, such as the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River at the beginning of this year, will not happen again since it has rarely been under freezing in southern China during this season, and the temperature will rise quickly.

The previous snowstorm severely hit areas in south and central China. It was the worst recorded in the past 50 years, forcing 1.5 million people to relocate, claiming 129 lives, while four remain missing, said Vice Minister of Civil Affairs, Li Liguo on February 23.

The previous storm caused approximated US$21.11 billion financial losses, and exceeded the losses in the 2002 SARS crisis.