New Mother Thanks Complete Stranger for Unexpected Act of Kindness on Plane

New Mother Thanks Complete Stranger for Unexpected Act of Kindness on Plane
Epoch Newsroom

Mom Rebekka Garvison was shocked when the passenger beside her on the airplane suddenly took her baby.

(Rebekka Garvison/Facebook)
Rebekka Garvison/Facebook


Rebekka’s infant just would not stop crying, and the couple seated next to her looked really annoyed, so she asked the flight attendant if she could move up two rows.

“She said yes and next thing I know I was sitting next to this amazing woman! I’m not sure if she could tell how stressed and upset I looked or what, but she turned our day completely around. Rylee wouldn’t stop crying no matter what I would try and she had asked if I didn’t mind if she tried and of course I let her,” Rebekka recounted in a Facebook post.

(Rebekka Garvison/Facebook)
Rebekka Garvison/Facebook


“As soon as she had her, Rylee was looking out the window and stopped crying. When we got in the air she fell right asleep and slept in her lap the whole flight until we got to our gate. She kept saying it wasn’t a problem at all and it was actually a comforting feeling for her. She even carried her off the plane and held her so I could get the stroller and carseat put back together so I wasn’t struggling to try and do it all alone.”

Rebekka, who was on a trip to see her husband, an Army firefighter, was so touched by what the fellow passenger, Nyfesha Miller, did for her and her baby.

(Rebekka Garvison/Facebook)
Rebekka Garvison/Facebook


“You will never understand how happy this act of kindness has made my family. You could’ve just rolled your eyes and been irritated like everyone else, but you took her and held her the entire flight and let me get some rest and peace of mind,” she said.

“It brought tears to my eyes while I sat there and watched you and Rylee sleeping next to me. I just couldn’t believe how that ended up working out and how caring you were to us. Thank you SO much!! God bless you!!”