Never Overplay

Never Overplay
The Reader's Turn

“The Art of War” by Sun Tzu is universal and presumably a “bible” in any military college. It stands the test of time despite the technology. War is relative to technology.

The most important tenet of Sun Tzu’s is that “war is an illusion.” That’s what won the war for the allies in World War II. Roosevelt knew the art of war by heart. Maybe he never read the book, but he played the part perfectly.

For the first time in the history of mankind, leaders on opposing sides had the ability to speak to each other in real-time. It’s been said that the a-bomb didn’t win the war, radar did. The a-bomb ended the war. It can be argued that radio and espionage won the war. Radio won the war along with radar and the a-bomb. Odd, because radio isn’t a weapon, and both sides had it, but that’s the point.

Radio was used by Roosevelt to shape minds and hearts. The Axis powers could listen in. So Roosevelt was aware of this channel, to talk not only to Americans and allies but to the enemy as well. As in a game of blackjack, he never overplayed his hand. He let his opponents go bust. His opponents were everywhere as opportunists; he just had to out-think them to win the war.

Armchair generals judge Roosevelt’s actions without context. That is why Sun Tzu’s claim that war is an illusion, is the first tenet. Something Fox’s Mark Levin doesn’t know.

Fred Stewart