Neighbor Tries to Intervene As ICE Agents Take Woman Into Custody in LA

Neighbor Tries to Intervene As ICE Agents Take Woman Into Custody in LA
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent takes part in an operation on March 21, 2018. ICE
Simon Veazey

A woman filmed herself trying to stop ICE agents as they took a mother into custody in Los Angeles, claiming they needed an order signed by a superior court judge, and demanding to see the paperwork.

“Show me the order!” Alicia Rivera demands of ICE agents in the viral video, as they prepare to drive off in their white SUV with a neighbor who is reportedly a permanent resident who has lived in the United States since she was 3 years old.

Rivera repeatedly insists that the ICE officers need an order signed by a judge from a superior court, at one point standing in front of the ICE vehicle, saying she will stop the agents.

ICE did not respond to the specific incident but issued a statement saying that the requirement of a judicial warrant for immigration violations was a“figment” dreamed up by those who “wish to undermine immigration enforcement.”

The video has gone viral after being picked up by both detractors of ICE, and those who support enforcement of border policies.

“I witnessed this arrest early this morning in from of my house,” Rivera wrote on Facebook on July 21. “ICE took the woman out of her car, took her keys, and drove away with her taking the keys, leaving the car in the middle of the street, with the door open, and the emergency lights on.”

Her video gained moderate traction after she posted it to her Facebook page, where some people accused her of interfering in the lawful activities of ICE agents. An annotated copy of the video was posted to the Occupy Democrat Facebook page, where it clocked up nearly a million hits within a day.

Rivera is heard in the video trying to stop the agents from taking the woman.

“Ma'am, who are you?” asks one officer, as Rivera continues to insist that the ICE agents do not possess an order signed by a judge from the superior court. The ICE officers establish that she is not a family member, and refuse to allow her to see the paperwork.

As two ICE officers examine their paperwork together, Rivera walks around behind and tries to catch the paperwork on camera. The officers shut the clipboard.

“I’m going to be in front of the car, and you can’t take her,” Rivera says as the ICE agents prepare to leave.

As Rivera turns to talk to a passerby, the vehicle simply backs away. Rivera stays where she is, and the vehicle turns around further down the street and heads off.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent detains an illegal immigrant in Los Angeles on Oct. 14, 2015. (John Moore/Getty Images)
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent detains an illegal immigrant in Los Angeles on Oct. 14, 2015. John Moore/Getty Images

The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIR) is taking on the case, to set an example, according to ABC.

ICE would not comment on this particular case without additional details about the woman’s identity reported ABC.

ICE did, however, issue the following in a statement, according to the news outlet: “Congress has established no process, requirement, or expectation directing ICE to seek a judicial warrant from already overburdened federal courts before taking custody of an alien on civil immigration violations. This idea is simply a figment created by those who wish to undermine immigration enforcement and excuse the ill-conceived practices of sanctuary jurisdictions that put politics before public safety.”

According to neighbors cited by CBS, the woman was an immigrant and permanent resident from Guatemala who had applied for citizenship about 6 months ago. The neighbors said that immigration officers told her they had lost her paperwork when she went for an appointment.

She told them she had been a permanent resident for years, and she applied for citizenship 6 months ago. But when she went for her appointment with immigration officers, they told her they lost her paperwork.

According to CBS, Rivera said that the father said the woman had a marijuana possession charge from when she was in her 20s. They believe that the application for citizenship may have flagged that charge, sparking the raid.

An ICE spokeswoman issued the following statement to Fox News: “ICE officers make arrests every day in the course of carrying out their mission to uphold public safety. As always, ICE prioritizes the arrest and removal of unlawfully present aliens who post a threat to national security, public safety, and border security.”
Simon Veazey
Simon Veazey
Freelance Reporter
Simon Veazey is a UK-based journalist who has reported for The Epoch Times since 2006 on various beats, from in-depth coverage of British and European politics to web-based writing on breaking news.
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