Neglected Cat Covered in 5 Pounds of Matted Fur Is Surprised With His Own New Look

Neglected Cat Covered in 5 Pounds of Matted Fur Is Surprised With His Own New Look
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Epoch Inspired Staff
From the archives: this story was last updated in May 2019.
This poor Persian cat, which was covered with 5 pounds (approx. 2 kg) of dirty, matted fur, was left to live by itself in the basement by its negligent owner. Luckily, the cat’s life had a turnaround when a kindhearted maintenance worker was called upon to fix a utility problem in the basement and happened upon the cat.

When the cat was found in the basement of an elderly man’s residence in Chicago by a maintenance worker in December 2016, his dirty and unkempt fur was tangled with debris, and he was covered with dirt and dust.

The cat’s owner was the elderly man, who could not take care of his pet due to some mental issues. Thus, the maintenance worker decided it was best to call the Anti-Cruelty Society of Chicago, Illinois, to come and pick up the kitty.

The elderly man agreed to hand his cat over to the organization, as he was aware he could no longer take care of him.

“He didn’t get a lot of attention because of all the matting on his body and carrying five pounds worth of mats so he was not just in a neglective environment but a neglective condition as well,” Elliott Serrano, education manager at the Chicago Anti-Cruelty Society, told FOX 32 News.
Serrano told Love Meow the cat’s 5 pounds of fur was “dragging behind him like a carpet.”

Staff at the animal shelter shaved a whole 5 pounds of fur off the cat’s bony body. Luckily, the Persian was healthy, although he was a bit thin and shaky on his legs because he had been dragging heavy clumps of fur with him for some time. Staff named the cat Sinbad.

Sinbad surprised the staff at the organization, as he was so friendly with humans despite being neglected for so long.

“That first weekend when I took him home when he just wanted to lay on my chest and purr and chirp and be with me,” Serrano said. “That convinced me that he wanted to stay.”

He soon gained strength after eating properly. Before long, he was able to spring up onto furniture. He must’ve felt so light minus all that weighty, matted fur!

Now, Sinbad has a new owner—he’s none other than Serrano!

Serrano adores his newly acquired feline friend.

“He is incredibly social,” he said. “He loves affection.”

Through Sinbad’s story, Serrano wanted others to know: “Never ignore those in need.”

“Always check in on the elderly and their pets. Speak up for those who are in trouble. And always be kind,” he told PEOPLE.

With all that love and affection, Sinbad needs not look back on his once-dismal state, for he’s now in caring hands.

If you love Sinbad like we do, follow The Adventures of Sinbad the Cat on Facebook!
Epoch Inspired Staff
Epoch Inspired Staff
Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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