NDP Jump in the Polls

A Harris Decima survey conducted for the Canadian Press found the NDP headed by Thomas Mulcair is neck and neck with the Conservatives.
NDP Jump in the Polls
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1774910" title="Thomas Mulcair" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/Mulcair.jpg" alt="Thomas Mulcair" width="576" height="382"/></a>
Thomas Mulcair

A Harris Decima survey conducted for the Canadian Press found the NDP headed by Thomas Mulcair is neck and neck with the Conservatives. While the Tories had a two percent lead on the NDP, with 34 and 32 percent respectively, that qualifies as a statistical tie given the margin for error.

Bad news for the Liberals, the increase came almost entirely at their expense, with the NDP surging in Quebec, reclaiming the ground they lost after the high tide of support that gathered during the election.

The NDP claimed 39 percent compared to 24 percent for the Bloc Quebecois and 14 percent for both the Tories and Liberals. The orange team did even better in British Columbia, scoring 44 percent compared to 30 percent for the Tories, with the Liberals and Greens getting 13 and 11 percent respectively.