Mother’s Day— A Celebration of Love and Health

Mother’s Day— A Celebration of Love and Health
What does a Mother’s Day look like as part of a healthy lifestyle? Check out the 4 tips provided to make it a healthy, filled with fun, day:
Sheila Kemper Dietrich

There are 4.1 million moms in the United States. I am a mom of three. Every year that Mother’s Day has come along I have reveled in the idea of being pampered and having the day off from “work” and the usual routine. As the years have progressed and my knowledge on health and a healthy lifestyle has increased, my views about Mother’s Day have also evolved. Don’t get me wrong, I still believe in being pampered but now the focus is on how to make each day, each celebration and especially Mother’s Day, be a day about living healthy and being healthy.

 Moms are all about providing for their families. Studies show we still make the majority of decisions for the household. We are also, by a large percentage, in charge of the household finances. And when it comes to making final decisions that impact the household, woman have the last word. Looked at in a certain way, we have a large responsibility to provide well for our family. As the biggest influencer, we have the greatest opportunity to positively affect our families.

 The greatest gift we can give our loved ones is that of a healthy home and lifestyle. With the crazy-busy schedules we have and the super-sized food environment we exist in, it is not an easy gift to bestow. It takes conscious effort and planning. And, if we are being really honest, it starts with us, the moms. Our example as a role model is what will have the biggest impact on our kid’s health. No matter whether we are overweight or have a chronic health condition, all of us can embrace a healthier lifestyle. It is the ultimate pampering. We are entitled to it. We just have to claim it.

 So, what does a Mother’s Day look like as part of a healthy lifestyle? Here are 4 tips to make it a healthy, filled with fun, day:

 1. Eat Right- ask for a meal that is healthy, easy, memorable and special to Mother’s Day. What about Flank Steak with Arugula Salad and Baked Wild Fries? And if it is warm enough, eat it outside. Or take the party inside by asking for a picnic setting with candles, fresh flowers, a plaid tablecloth and napkins, and some great music by female vocalists or try out this relaxing playlist on YouTube made just for moms.

2. Build in some fun activities with your family- this could be gardening, flying kites, bicycling, playing ball, walking the dogs, playing tennis or going for a hike. No need to just pick one, think of at least two you would enjoy.

3. Connect with those you love- if your kids are not around, make sure to connect with them by phone or streaming video (like Google Hangouts). There is no rule that says they have to call you! And what about other family and friends you would like to see or talk to? Take time for those catch up conversations.

4. Pamper yourself- it is your day after all! What non-food indulgence is high on your list? Soaking in a bathtub? Getting a Mani-Pedi? Sleeping late? Curling up with a book you haven’t had time to read? Make sure to fit it in as part of your special day. 

Cheers to you, moms-- Have a Happy & Healthy Mother’s Day!

Enjoy! And Live Vibrant!

Sheila Kemper Dietrich
Sheila Kemper Dietrich
Sheila is the Founder and CEO of Livliga. Sheila created Livliga and the VisualQs philosophy out of her years of personal experience in waging the war against obesity and longing to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Personally benefitting from the concepts integrated into Livliga, she has become a great advocate for its efficacy in living a healthy lifestyle. Sheila now enjoys sharing what she has learned through her blog, tweeting and public conversations. Nothing better than sharing and learning!
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